Thursday, May 19, 2011


So I'm on this diet-the dukan diet-right now and it's killer tough for me. For the first 2-10 days you can only eat protein. No dessert, no bread, no vegetables, just protein.
It's been tough for the past few days: I started on monday and today I decided to make something extremely tasty for a change.
I've been eating a lot of tuna fish, plain grilled chicken, eggs. all pretty boring.
I found some shrimp in the freezer and decided to make a tasty meal.
I ate it all before I thought to take pictures so that's too bad but I'll put the recipe up here so I don't forget.

I took about 9 large shrimp(pre cooked and frozen) and thawed them.
While they were thawing, I mixed equal parts olive oil and lemon juice in a small bowl. I think I probably used like 2 tsp of each. Then I added some fresh garlic, and when I say some, I mean A LOT! I've been eating flavorless food the last few days-I've been deprived!!
Then I added some crazy jane's mixed up salt in there as well as a teeny dash of onion powder. I did add a tiny sprinkle of a garlic onion seasoning in there too.
I put the garlic/oil/lemon mixture in a pan on the stove and waited until the garlic was getting cooked, added the shrimp, kept it in there for probably 3-5 minutes, turning occasionally and then VOILA! Delicious meal that fits within the strict guidelines.

I'm very happy right now :)

(I didn't take this picture but I felt I needed to add some color to this post!)